0 43 84 002b54 – Blue Pms Conversion


#002b54 Hex Color Code

#002b54 Paint ChipThe hexadecimal color code #002b54 is a dark shade of cyan-blue. In the RGB color model #002b54 is comprised of 0% red, 16.86% green and 32.94% blue. In the HSL color space #002b54 has a hue of 209° (degrees), 100% saturation and 16% lightness. This color has an approximate wavelength of 475.2 nm. This color is used in the Loyola Marymount Lions logo and Brumbies logo.

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Color Variations

  • Inverted
  • 25% saturated
  • Grayscale
  • 25% lighter
  • Original
  • 25% darker
  • Web safe: navy
  • 25% desaturated
  • HTML: midnightblue

Related Named Colors

  • Closely Related

    1. Dark blue lapis lazuli (Rurikon)
    2. Space cadet
    3. Cool black
    4. Prussian blue
    5. Oxford blue
  • Intermediately Related

    1. Lenurple
    2. Strawberry Daiquiri
    3. Cadet grey
    4. Imperial red
    5. Wild Strawberry
  • Distantly Related

    1. Canary
      #ffff99 / #ff9
    2. Lemon yellow (Crayola)
    3. Electric yellow
      #ffff33 / #ff3
    4. Daffodil
    5. Yellow
      #ffff00 / #ff0

Color Schemes

Download: GIMP GPL Adobe ASE (Adobe Swatch Exchange) Sketch Palette

  • Complement

    • #544b00
  • Analogous

    • #003354
    • #271a3a
  • Split

    • #284e06
    • #542f00
  • Triad

    • #00542c
    • #45180f
  • Square

    • #43111f
    • #544b00
    • #00544e
  • Tetradic

    • #3e1632
    • #544b00
    • #00542c

#002b54 linear gradient to complementary #544b00

  1. #002b54
  2. #233049
  3. #33343d
  4. #3e3a32
  5. #463f25
  6. #4e4516
  7. #544b00

Monochromatic Colors

  1. #00254d
  2. #00274f
  3. #002952
  4. #002b54
  5. #042d56
  6. #082f59
  7. #0c315b


  1. #002b54
  2. #112b4d
  3. #1a2a46
  4. #202a3f
  5. #242a38
  6. #282a31
  7. #2a2a2a

Tints and Shades

#002b54 to white

  1. #002b54
  2. #35496e
  3. #5d6a8a
  4. #848da6
  5. #acb2c3
  6. #d5d8e1
  7. #ffffff / #fff

#002b54 to black

  1. #002b54
  2. #082546
  3. #0c1f39
  4. #0d192c
  5. #0d1320
  6. #070a13
  7. #000000 / #000


Similar Paints

  1. Caparol

    1. ★ L 458 / Blauanthrazit L 458
      #002c54 ΔE = 0.635 / LRV ≈ 2.4%
    2. 40 5 240 / Pacific 10
      #18284c ΔE = 2.832 / LRV ≈ 2.2%
  2. Freightliner

    1. ★ Blue / L3006
      #002e5a ΔE = 1.652 / LRV ≈ 2.7%
    2. Blue / N0910
      #003562 ΔE = 4.536 / LRV ≈ 3.4%
  3. AMC

    1. ★ Marlin Blue
      #0d2b4e ΔE = 1.833 / LRV ≈ 2.4%
    2. Midnight Blue
      #192440 ΔE = 5.096 / LRV ≈ 1.8%
  4. Abet Laminati

    1. ★ Blu Tenebre 1804
      #142c50 ΔE = 1.908 / LRV ≈ 2.5%
  5. Ford

    1. ★ Island Blue
      #122a4d ΔE = 1.961 / LRV ≈ 2.3%
    2. Bright Dark Blue
      #17305c ΔE = 3.579 / LRV ≈ 3.1%
  6. ProMarker

    1. ★ Indigo Blue
      #092d5a ΔE = 2.129 / LRV ≈ 2.7%
  7. RAL

    1. RAL 280 20 30
      #0d2f5a ΔE = 2.315 / LRV ≈ 2.9%
    2. RAL 630-M
      #16304c ΔE = 4.814 / LRV ≈ 2.8%
  8. GM / General Motors

    1. Kingston Blue
      #122e59 ΔE = 2.458 / LRV ≈ 2.8%
    2. Bright Blue
      #19345d ΔE = 4.537 / LRV ≈ 3.5%
  9. Alcro

    1. Blue finch
      #13274a ΔE = 2.700 / LRV ≈ 2.1%
  10. Natural Color System / NCS

    1. S 5540-R90B
      #152f52 ΔE = 2.758 / LRV ≈ 2.8%
    2. S 6030-R80B
      #242f50 ΔE = 4.493 / LRV ≈ 3.0%
  11. Delta

    1. Blue Velvet / 025620202W
      #002e5e ΔE = 2.791 / LRV ≈ 2.8%
  12. Volkswagen

    1. Dark Blue
      #12264b ΔE = 2.860 / LRV ≈ 2.0%
    2. Ink Blue
      #16264c ΔE = 3.263 / LRV ≈ 2.1%
  13. Ressource Peintures

    1. Bleu Paon / SL23
      #1b294c ΔE = 3.062 / LRV ≈ 2.3%
    2. Minuit / SL25
      #1b2e4e ΔE = 3.369 / LRV ≈ 2.7%
  14. Matthews Paint

    1. Dark Colonial Blue / 75
      #1b3056 ΔE = 3.313 / LRV ≈ 3.0%
    2. Grecian Blue / 5157
      #073165 ΔE = 4.844 / LRV ≈ 3.2%
  15. Plascon

    1. Urban Rock B4-E1-2
      #08244c ΔE = 3.318 / LRV ≈ 1.8%
    2. Deep Eyes B3-D1-2
      #00285c ΔE = 4.417 / LRV ≈ 2.3%
  16. Chrysler

    1. Mood Indigo
      #0d2b5b ΔE = 3.340 / LRV ≈ 2.6%
    2. Dominion Blue
      #1e2b4a ΔE = 3.655 / LRV ≈ 2.5%
  17. Tamiya

    1. Tamiya 80003,X3
      #1e2d54 ΔE = 3.396 / LRV ≈ 2.8%
  18. JPMA

    1. E 77-20L
      #1e2e55 ΔE = 3.458 / LRV ≈ 2.9%
  19. Peterbuilt

    1. Blue / AF513
      #003053 ΔE = 3.505 / LRV ≈ 2.7%
  20. Kenworth USA

    1. Blue / N0081
      #003053 ΔE = 3.505 / LRV ≈ 2.7%
  21. Smart

    1. Azure Blau / CE1L
      #00234b ΔE = 3.663 / LRV ≈ 1.7%
  22. Fabric Creations

    1. Navy / 25994
      #1a2954 ΔE = 3.674 / LRV ≈ 2.4%
  23. Pantone / PMS

    1. 648
      #002b5e ΔE = 3.698 / LRV ≈ 2.5%
    2. 295
      #002e63 ΔE = 4.462 / LRV ≈ 2.9%
  24. Loop

    1. Calais / LP-207
      #142754 ΔE = 3.796 / LRV ≈ 2.2%
    2. Rennes / LP-206
      #003361 ΔE = 3.832 / LRV ≈ 3.2%
  25. Audi

    1. Santorinblau Pearl / 5J, LZ5K
      #1b3152 ΔE = 3.921 / LRV ≈ 3.0%
    2. Estorilblau Kristall Metallic / K0K0, K0PA, K0PW, LX5P
      #1e2842 ΔE = 4.944 / LRV ≈ 2.2%
  26. Resene

    1. Space Cadet B32-079-273
      #1e2952 ΔE = 4.009 / LRV ≈ 2.5%
  27. Toyo Ink

    1. CF10934
      #18335b ΔE = 4.058 / LRV ≈ 3.3%
  28. Albany Paint

    1. Galaxy
      #122a46 ΔE = 4.079 / LRV ≈ 2.2%
    2. Atlantis
      #20304c ΔE = 4.841 / LRV ≈ 2.9%
  29. Testors

    1. Testors 1172
      #00224a ΔE = 4.130 / LRV ≈ 1.6%
  30. Para

    1. Trinidad and Tobago / P5010-85
      #192c47 ΔE = 4.337 / LRV ≈ 2.5%
  31. Federal Standard

    1. Federal Standard 35052
      #00285c ΔE = 4.417 / LRV ≈ 2.3%
  32. Aerospace Material Specification

    1. AMS-STD 595 35052 Blue
      #00285c ΔE = 4.417 / LRV ≈ 2.3%
  33. Fender

    1. 90 / Baltic Blue
      #043253 ΔE = 4.626 / LRV ≈ 2.9%

    1. 0832 Bleu de Foxe - JonOne-CH1
      #242a4a ΔE = 4.682 / LRV ≈ 2.5%
  35. Crayola

    1. Dark Blue
      #003065 ΔE = 4.710 / LRV ≈ 3.1%
    2. Midnight Blue
      #003366 / #036 ΔE = 4.825 / LRV ≈ 3.3%
  36. Vallejo

    1. Vallejo 70.925 #52
      #222a46 ΔE = 4.759 / LRV ≈ 2.4%
  37. Skoda

    1. Blau / 9574
      #0d2341 ΔE = 4.817 / LRV ≈ 1.7%
  38. Opaltone / OMS

    1. 6719
      #252a4c ΔE = 4.833 / LRV ≈ 2.6%
    2. 6711
      #253156 ΔE = 4.912 / LRV ≈ 3.3%
  39. FolkArt

    1. Ink Spot / 2623
      #132d61 ΔE = 5.069 / LRV ≈ 2.9%
  40. Sikkens

    1. U3.28.15 (RAL 5013)
      #1c3454 ΔE = 5.097 / LRV ≈ 3.3%

Color Directory

#002b54 HTML / CSS Code Examples

#002b54 foreground

Those who do not want to imitate anything, produce nothing.

            <p style="color: #002b54">…</p>          

#002b54 background

If you ask me what I came to do in this world, I, an artist, will answer you: I am here to live out loud.

            <p style="background-color: #002b54">…</p>          

#002b54 shadow

It is not the language of painters but the language of nature which one should listen to, the feeling for the things themselves, for reality, is more important than the feeling for pictures.

            <p style="text-shadow: 0.1em 0.1em 0.15em #002b54">…</p>          

Color Charts

  • RGB


  • CMYK


  • RYB


Color Space Conversions

00000000, 00101011, 01010100
≈ 2.4%
Closest short hex
#135 ΔE = 4.524
rgb(0, 43, 84)
rgba(0, 43, 84, 1.0)
rg chromaticity
r: 0.000, g: 0.339, b: 0.661
red: 0.000%, yellow: 11.153%, blue: 32.941%
Android / android.graphics.Color
-16766124 / 0xff002b54
hsl(209, 100%, 16%)
hsla(209, 100%, 16%, 1.0)
hue: 209° (209.286), saturation: 100% (1.000), value: 33% (0.329)
hue: 209.286, saturation: 100.000%, perceived brightness: 17.048%
H: 252.016, S: 100.019, L: 17.309
H: -154.689, S: 1.018, L: 0.136
T: -2.193, S: 0.447, L: 0.137
cyan: 100% (1.000), magenta: 49% (0.488), yellow: 0% (0.000), key: 67% (0.671)
cyan: 100% (1.000), magenta: 83% (0.831), yellow: 67% (0.671)
X: 2.463, Y: 2.368, Z: 8.713
x: 0.182, y: 0.175, Y: 2.368
L: 17.309, a: 4.399, b: -28.756
L: 17.309, u: -9.934, v: -30.602
L: 17.309, C: 29.091, H: 278.698
L: 17.309, C: 32.174, H: 252.016
L: 15.387, a: 1.652, b: -22.803
J: 12.181, C: 36.760, h: 248.719, Q: 68.761, M: 32.146, s: 68.374, H: 305.371
lightness: -10.446, jaune: -5.081, green: 1.905
L: 1.407, M: 2.339, S: 8.608
Y: 45.904, Cb: 152.363, Cr: 106.212
Y: 42.500, Cg: 0.500, Co: -21.000
Y: 34.817, Db: 74.003, Dr: 66.216
Y: 36.793, Pb: 25.445, Pr: -23.386
Y: 47.599, Cb: 150.352, Cr: 107.457
Y: 34.817, I: -38.788, Q: 3.664
Y: 34.817, U: 24.203, V: -30.545
Munsell Color System
5PB 2/6 ΔE = 5.672
Brand Color
HootSuite ΔE = 4.685

Random Colors

  • #9cf193
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  • #a22216
  • #7a5148
  • #852c16
  • #5d2012
  • #c7aaa7


  • #6abe43
  • #25442b
  • #6da254
  • #2e8b2c
  • #bedda3


  • #3f498b
  • #6180c9
  • #3c465f
  • #30347a
  • #333a60


Source: https://encycolorpedia.com/002b54

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